Why are YOU making YOUR game?
Making a game can be difficult. Typically for game developers (especially indies) there is limited time and money for the project. As such, it is usual to encounter areas in which you have to compromise. It’s rarely an enjoyable experience, but vital in oder to get your game finished.
When making a decision about your game there are broadly speaking 3 things you should consider:
1. Is it true to my creative idea?
2. Will other people like it?
3. Will it make any money?
Different people value certain areas above others. For many their game is their creative vision, their piece of art, and they don’t want to worry about what other people think. Others want to make games that are played by millions of people. And, let’s be honest, a lot of people are primarily focussed on the money. And there isn’t necessarily a problem with that.
Most people however tend to want to tick all the boxes to some extent: a popular game that remains true to their creative idea that makes them a little bit of cash.
It is however important to know what you are trying to achieve, which is most important to you? Are you more interested in paying the bills, or do you have an artistic vision that you don’t want to compromise? If you had to compromise somewhere where would it be?
Of course, the ideal situation would be to have your cake and eat it; to create a game that is a ground breaking innovation in creativity, people flock to it in their millions and pay handsomely for it. But when you know where you are willing to compromise, and therefore what you truly want out of the game it’s a lot easier to focus and make decisions.
So, why are you making your game, what’s most important to you? Let us know in the comments.