How to deal with ‘competition’


In an earlier post, I explained why it is important for you to have a clear idea of your brand. The next step on from this is what sets your games apart from the competition, and it doesn’t have to go against the spirit of the indie community. The indie…

How to create a press kit for your indie game

how to create a press kit for your indie game

In my last post I covered why you should be creating a press kit for your indie game. In this post I’ll be covering exactly what you should be including in your press kit, and how you can make it as awesome as possible. First, two important points. Firstly, a…

It’s called a campaign, so tell a story!


Opening note – if your game doesnt have a plot/story/characters this may not be of immediate use, but it might give you some ideas anyway! If you have put together a reasonable marketing plan, you shall be using a mixture of PR, digital, social, all sorts! You could stick the…

Mobile Corner: Social Integration – Good Examples


“Siri… what does good social integration in a mobile game look like?” **ding ding** Sam, have you not worked this out by now? Daisy, daisy give me your answer doooo…. As my phone just so patronisingly put it there are many great examples of social integration with mobile applications and…

Why you need to define your brand right now


It’s a common misconception that a brand is simply a company or product’s logo. A brand is much more than that, and it’s not even entirely in your control! It’s more accurate to think of a brand as a thing’s personality. This thing could be a company, a product or…

WOOTcomms team grows

Hey guys, thought it was time for another quick update about things behind the scenes at WOOTcomms. We’ve just put our 21st post live. Does that mean we can have a drink now? We’ve been making some improvements under the hood recently, including adding threaded comments, to allow better conversation…

Mobile Corner: A quick intro and a pet peeve


Sitting here with writers block (watching Coming to America probably isn’t helping) I figured that perhaps the best way to start my first WOOTcomms post was to give you, dear reader, a quick introduction about me. My name is Sam, and like Al and Mike I work in the world…